Quantum Computer Raffle
Airdrop to “Quantum Collapses” holders

|00> (285 editions)

|01> (1/1 , 80 editions)

|10> (1/1 , 39 editions)
On May 18th 2022 we run a quantum computer raffle. At our knowledge the first ever!
We congratulate with you all Quantum Collapses holders for being part of this unique event, and we hope that you like these compositions.
Why a quantum computer raffle?
According to quantum theory, a quantum system can be suspended between different realities. For example, a particle can be suspended in a quantum superposition between two or more energy states. When we perform an energy measurement, the system will collapse in only one of the energy states of the superposition. However, it is not possible to predict exactly which one. At most, we can only know the probability to find a specific energy state, which depends on the weight of a given energy state in the superposition state. Hence randomness is a key feature of quantum physics. Moreover, this disruptive theory has changed definitively our understanding of randomness. Prior to quantum physics, it was thought that indeterminacy was the direct consequence of some lack of information on a physical system. According to quantum theory, however, indeterminacy is of a much more fundamental nature, having nothing to do with errors or disturbance. Quantum indeterminacy is the ultimate source of randomness of nature!
According to us, it is exciting to build and to join a raffle where the outputs are “decided” by the fundamental randomness of nature. At the same time we wanted to express our gratitude to all the holders with an airdrop that contained images of all the Quantum Collapses editions.
The raffle:
1) We created three kind of images with different rarity: the state |00> is linked to a single piece with the initial images of all the 404 editions of Quantum Collapses. |01> is linked to a series of 1/1 pieces including the 404 editions in a collapsed states. All the |01> editions are different and randomly generated. |10> consists of 1/1 pieces including images from 404 editions which can be either in acollapsed state or not.
2) We set a quantum superposition states of two qubits with different weight: sqrt(0.7)|00⟩ + sqrt(0.2)|01⟩ + sqrt(0.1)|10⟩
Here sqrt indicates the square root. This state means that when storing this state in quantum computer and performing a measurement (shot), there is a 70% probsbility of finding the qubits in the state |00>, 20% of finding |01>, and 10% of obtaining the state |10>.
3) We uploaded the above state in an IBM quantum computer and performed 404 shots. The 404 outputs are just two bits and can be 00, 01 and 10. The theoretical probability of obtaining 11 is zero, however quantum computers can make errors. We got such an error during a test but not during the raffle. Below, you can see the simple quantum circuit describing the whole process and the histograms of the 404 shots! Below, you can also inspect directly the code and the output data.

{'backend_name': 'ibmq_quito',
'backend_version': '1.1.28',
'qobj_id': 'b1ed06fd-8dd5-41c2-9d32-aa42ec6ce4ab',
'job_id': '6284bf8d0b45b79e578b6443',
'success': True,
'results': [{'shots': 404,
'success': True,
'data': {'counts': {'0x0': 285,
'0x1': 80,
'0x2': 39},
'memory': ['0x0',
'meas_level': 2,
'header': {'qubit_labels': [['q', 0], ['q', 1], ['q', 2], ['q', 3], ['q', 4]],
'n_qubits': 5,
'qreg_sizes': [['q',
'clbit_labels': [['c0',
'memory_slots': 2,
'creg_sizes': [['c0',
'name': 'circuit-3',
'global_phase': 1.5707963267948966,
'metadata': {}}}],
'date': datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 18, 11, 52, 29, tzinfo=tzlocal()),
'status': 'Successful completion',
'header': {'backend_name': 'ibmq_quito',
'backend_version': '1.1.28'},
'execution_id': '394fa34c-d690-11ec-95b0-b02628f7f59e',
'time_taken': 2.8561103343963623,
'error': None,
'client_version': {'qiskit': '0.36.0'}}