Salvatore Savasta graduated in physics in 1992 from the University of Pisa and received his PhD in 1996 from the University of Messina, where he became permanent researcher in 2001, and full Professor since January 2021. He has mainly worked on quantum optics and is co-author of more than 140 publications in scientific journals. In the last years, he spent, several months at Riken (JP) as visiting researcher and is involved in scientific collaborations with physicists of several countries and institutions as Chalmers University of Technology (SE), Queen’s University (CA), Universidad de Zaragoza (ES), University of Southampton (GB), University of Pisa (IT). His h-index is 35 according to google scholar and 31 on Scopus. He is co-author of several papers on high impact factor journals. Among them, he published twelve papers on Physical Review Letters, one on Nature Physics, one on Nature Review Physics, three on ACS Nano, one on Phys. Rev. X.
For years he has held monthly afternoon “experiments” sessions in which he explored the intersection of quantum mechanics and digital art. In April 2021, he founded with A and O the Quantizing Art Movement and the digital art trio Insigℏt. He is advisor on product design in computer visual art and exhibitions of Kipu Quantum, a start-up aiming at democratizing quantum computer