Alberto Mercurio is a professional Hip Hop dancer, an astrophotographer and a Ph. D. student in physics at the University of Messina. His career as a dancer began in 2006 and over time he has achieved numerous results such as the second place at Street Fighters in Cesenatico (2014), the first place at SDK Italy in Rome (2015), the second place at Ocean Battle Session in Taiwan (2019). He also represented Italy at the international event The Dance in Switzerland (2017) together with the group Mnighty Force. Astrophotography is his second passion. He photographed several celestial objects, from the nearest planets to the distant galaxies and nebulae (Andromeda galaxy, Orion Nebula, Whirpool galaxy and many others). Currently he is a Ph. D. student at University of Messina. His activity is mainly focused on quantum optics and cavity quantum electrodynamics with artificial atoms or electrons in lattices under extreme light-matter interaction regimes.